
Andrejs Upitis Skriveri Secondary school (further in text - school) is Skriveri district founded education institution that organizes and realizes education process offering comprehensive opportunities to learn using different learning programmes. In 2016./2017. study year in school are realized 5 learning programmes (3 in primary and 2 in secondary level) and one specific for civic skill developement. In school studies 375 students, there works 46 teachers who all have higher education (masters or equivalent). There operates 7 teachers methodological commissions and  exist 28 after school activities. In school works all kind of support personal (social pedagogue, psychologist and speech therapist. School has long experience in project management and cooperation with local and regional business with aim to increase students understanding and interest of civic and social enrepreunship. Every study year students are involved in "Actual events contest" where they have to follow the news in the media. In the end of the study year, the 6-8 best ones are attending meeting with EU parliament members of Latvia in Brussels. The schools mission is to provide holistic and civic education with focus on human and emotional intelligence. In the same time there are strong belief in democracy and rights.

Piramatiko Geniko Likio Rethimnou Panepistimiou Kritis is a Senior High School providing general education. It has 250 students aged 15-18 years old, and 22 teachers. The school was established in 1999 and it was designated in 2012 as Pilot Experimental High School by the Ministry of Education, after a successful evaluation process. The school aims at:
1. Providing free public high quality education which will contribute to the overall and balanced development of students
2. Promoting educational research in collaboration with the corresponding University Faculties and Departments, in the teaching of the subjects of the curriculum, the psycho-pedagogical field, as well as the organization, administration, evaluation, and relation management at school level
3. Training/mentoring, by means of practice for undergraduate university department students, especially, those of Pedagogical Science Departments, and Departments of Science and Philosophy Faculties and Pedagogical Science post-graduate programme students
4. Offering training and pilot teaching lessons in cooperation with Universities and the Educational Policy Institution for teachers of the wider educational community in order to enhance their professional development
5. Pursuing the goal of creativity, innovation and excellence, by the means of clubs, which students of all state schools can join, and the promotion and education of students with special learning abilities and talents but also the support of pupils with learning difficulties
6. The pilot implementation of new curricula and teaching methods, innovative teaching practices, innovative and creative activities, educational work and school facility quality assessment programmes, new school management and operation models.
The school is staffed with experienced and trained teachers having either a Doctorate or a Master degree and expertise in teaching and pedagogical methodologies.
The school population includes pupils of various cultural backgrounds.
The philosophy of the institution is to build a school culture that is open to the collective responsibility as a structural element of school life, introducing creativity in everyday school practice and scientific and pedagogical innovation. At the same time, it empowers students with special educational needs and gifted students. Having an increased degree of freedom in matters of curriculum and the general operation of the school, it realizes systematically, specialized and measurable programs that meet the needs of all students.
With the operation of after school Clubs, the school adopts creative pedagogy, which is crucial to learning. The function of school clubs aimed at creating cognitive abilities and skills of students. In such a perspective excellence has its own important role, as required to meet the social, political, economic and cultural needs of the modern world, highlighting the new system of values: hard work, responsibility and consistency, acceptance, respect and tolerance, justice and dignity. The scientific and pedagogical innovation of the school is supported from the institutional cooperation with the Crete University.

The participant schools of this project were:

  1. Piramatiko Geniko Likio Panepistimiou Kritis (Rethymno) as coordinator, from Greece  
    1. the official webpage
    2. a short description
  2. Domingos Rebelo Secondary School, from Azores Portugal              
    1. the official webpage
    2. a short description
  3. Andrejs Upitis Skriveri Secondary School, from Latvia          
    1. the official webpage
    2. a short description
  4. Vihdin lukio, from Finland                                                          
    1. the official webpage
    2. a short description
  5. "Nicolae Bălcescu" National College Braila, from Romania   
    1. the official webpage
    2. a short description


The implementation of the project requires the use of Erasmus+ online platform like e-Twinning and the School Education Gateway Platform.
E-Twinning: The e-Twinning platform will be used throughout the implementation of the project for
-The communication between the partners
-The following up of the project
-The exchange of good practices
- The dissemination of the EUSId project by making it at the same time an e-Twinning project, so as to be eligible for national and European Quality Labels, prizes and have access to the TwinSpace.
Most important, we will use both Erasmus+ platforms in order to have access to EU teaching materials and to online courses. During the project all teachers from partner schools must take the online courses available and related with the project's goals and objectives. In this way the EUSId project will give the participating teachers the chance to cultivate a different culture and approach to lifelong learning.