
Blue Growth

-EU Blue Economy

*What does EU Blue Economy include

*Sustainable sectors of Blue Economy

*Previous measures of the size & scope of the EU Blue Economy

*Current status & recent trends of EU Blue Economy



Marine renewable energy


Blue Bioeconomy


Sustainable Development in Coastal Tourism


Future goals/perspectives of EU Blue Economy



The official site, where you can find more material on these subtopics is the following Eu site:


You are free to find more resources in order to adjust the the topic to your own country’s needs and your personal interests. 

So what we would like to be done, is choose a topic (preferably one of the above), adjust the title to your preferences and write your country name, beside! 











Photo album

Movies from activities

Movie 1

Movie 2


                The Finnish Experience seen from  Romanian team

EUSID- 28.10-4.11.2018


Day 1: On arriving at school, the atmosphere gets relaxed and work- inviting from start. Teachers and students all together are proposed, mixed groups intentionally in order to play a game to get acquainted with Finnish culture and way of living. We discovered that “ Angry Birds” was invented by a Finn, that Turku was a former capital and that they have got a rich history. Students and teachers work enthusiastically.

In the afternoon we go to “ Global Hope” to learn more about business of recycling.

Day 2: The second day starts early on a cold day; it’s the trip to Helsinki, where students are going to interview people on the street about their knowledge on GMOs in Europe, we visit Europe Direct Centre to learn   more about European institutions.


Day 3:  We start presenting on teaching scenarios, every country tackling the issue in an original way; students shone creativity once again in becoming “trainers” in the complicated and controversial field of GMO approach in Europe.  The afternoon debuts with Despina Papadaki starting the simulation. Students are eager de debate and to understand how the Council of Europe(i.e. the topic of the Simulation banc ) works.

Day 4: The day of simulation game. It have been previously assigned roles of the countries they are going to represent, Despina explains the rules of the procedure and hands in the necessary materials and they begin in a  moderated debate. There are the introductory moments where every “country” ( minister of agriculture) presents their statement. From time to time, we are taught how to introduce a motion and how to vote. The day ends with voting the motion and with a trip to a bio farm.

Day 5:  Early morning through the forest are on way to school. Students are grouped for the last time this week , they are going to make the video of the week, the poster, the farewell speech and the blog. Happily, eagerly and full of creative they start work. The day ends with these presentations and a Finnish sauna( respecting the very tradition with a dip in the lake). We say our good-byes and look forward to meeting in Portugal.

It was a fruitful, interesting, get challenging Finnish week in a welcoming, student- friendly school with all technology at hand but with really kind and helpful teachers.

Romanian team: teachers:Luminita Mocanu and Cristian Toncea and students:Botea Anamaria,Dumitru Arina , Ciurea Bogdan.


S(t)imulating European Identity

2nd meeting in Finland

Program plan

28.10.    Sunday


29.10.    Monday

9.00 - 11.30     School visit and school presentations (5-10 min/ country), ice breaking games

11.30 - 12.15   Lunch at school cantine

12.15 - 12.45   Class visit. Getting in touch with the local education system

13.00 - 16.00   Visit to a bio farm and eco-shop

16.00 -              Visit to the town center

30.10.    Tuesday

9.00 - 12.00     Visit to Vantaa candy factory! Participating in a G.M.O. workshop

12.30 - 13.30   Lunch in Pizza rax buffet Helsinki

13.30 - 20.00   Visit Helsinki

                          EU office Information meeting/

                          Visit to the local University

                          Participating at a G.M.O. Workshop

                          Town race – A creative way to get to know Helsinki in groups

31.10.    Wednesday

9.00 - 11.30     Teaching scenarios activities from participating schools

11.30 -12.15    Lunch at school cantine

12.15 -16.00    Simulation rehersal

14.30 - 15.00   Coffee break with international snacks brought from each participating school’s country

18.00 -              Saunaevening for teachers

1.11.     Thursday

    9.00- 15.00      Simulation of “Council of the European Union” discussing about G.M.O.

11.30 - 12.15   Lunch at school cantine

15.00 - 16.30   Sports and events

2.11.     Friday

9.00 - 11.30     Workshop for the elaboration and assessment of the produced material

11.30 -12.15    Lunch at school cantine

12.15 - 15.00   Evaluation of the meeting

15.00 - 16.00   Final get-together

18.00 -              Closing ceremony. Sauna-evening for all

3.11.     Saturday



COSTS : (there might be changes to these lists according to the final program , exact prices later)

Finland offers: school lunches

sauna evening incl.food and trinks workshop costs

All countries : bus from/to airport bus to eco farm bus to Vantaa and Helsinki ( possible transport to/from hotel to teachers ) international snacks from home lunch in Pizza Rax

evening meals for teachers except the sauna evening hotel costs for teachers

Learning Diary- Latvian Experience


            The anxiety of the beginning of the project has gone and here we are at the second meeting in EUSID, but the first learning activity with students.

 On Monday we got to meet the school, its pupils, all Skriveri atmosphere, doubled by a warm opening from our host school and teachers’ part. Students and teachers altogether played a game in order to know each other better: Name game (say a word that begins with the first letter from your name.). The atmosphere is open and inviting to work.

 On Tuesday- it was the capital experience. Students made interviews on energy knowledge in common population in the street. Afterward, we visited a science centre where students learnt both formally and informally about radioactivity and nuclear energy (the topic al at hand for one mobility- nuclear energy in Europe these days.)

On Wednesday serious work has begin. Each national team brought their homework and presented creativity in front and with the whole lot of participants. The topics were nuclear energy, nuclear waste, European Council. We noticed the extraordinary motivation and willingness to work and get involved from the part of the students from the project. The afternoon was dedicated to simulation games; students were offered an input of knowledge on the functioning of European Council and were reconfirmed the roles: Prime ministers of one European country.

 On Thursday, students were working wholly at accomplishing the task of simulation game. Once the roles have been distributed, some time was alloted to research the position of that country, after which they started debating, motioning and finally voting. Students were ready, eager and motivated to learn, talk, negotiate and adopt a position.

On Friday, we prepared one closing of the activity; Students and teachers were split into 6 team. Each being distributed a role; data collection from interviews and surveys in Riga, closing speech, video, the blog, the postern. The activities went smoothly, students showing the same interests and hard work. We agreed that such a closing should be kept for all countries’ learning activities because it’s team work distributed and detailed tasks and we finish all the work while at mobility. All in all, it was a remarkably well prepared mobility, showing both their experience and expertise and dedication and hard work from the Latvian organizing team and we are looking forward to meeting in the next learning experience in Finland.


by Luminita Mocanu and Iulian Danielescu