The implementation of the project requires the use of Erasmus+ online platform like e-Twinning and the School Education Gateway Platform.
E-Twinning: The e-Twinning platform will be used throughout the implementation of the project for
-The communication between the partners
-The following up of the project
-The exchange of good practices
- The dissemination of the EUSId project by making it at the same time an e-Twinning project, so as to be eligible for national and European Quality Labels, prizes and have access to the TwinSpace.
Most important, we will use both Erasmus+ platforms in order to have access to EU teaching materials and to online courses. During the project all teachers from partner schools must take the online courses available and related with the project's goals and objectives. In this way the EUSId project will give the participating teachers the chance to cultivate a different culture and approach to lifelong learning.