
"Nicolae Bălcescu" National College dates as  back as  1863 and it was the first science-oriented high school in our country.
‘NicolaeBalcescu’ National College provides both general, theoretical and practical training lining up with the European standards in education. Students  trained in the college are aged 11-19. The school has both theoretical  and humanistic profile, which are divided in:
• 4 grades  for the V-VIII cycle;
• 8 grades for general theoretical (mathematics-computers);
• 8 grades  for mathematics intensive English (4), German (1) or Computers (4);
• 4 grades  for natural sciences (4) and social sciences (1);
• 3 grades – humanistic.
• Staff consist of 60 teachers.
Consequently, our school offers a great deal of trust in its members, this way creating responsibilities too, in what concerns creativity and taking positive action.Our college stands out also by other values such as promoting active involvement in school life, true character and team work, achieving common aims to be placed ahead individual ones for better results and accomplishments. This aim is constantly supported by numerous European activities and projects - initiated at institutional level – as well as a variety of European partnerships and competitions.Our school has a great deal of experience in European projects as both coordinator and  partner . Therefore, ”Nicolae Balcescu” National College has definitely made itself a name as a coordinator or partner of such international projects and as a sustainable source of challenge and satisfactions for involvement of both teachers and students in such projects. Even though it used to have only great accomplishments we can't help noticing a decline in results as current school matters are concerned or exams' results.This may be due to the economic and social context of our area.Once a great industrial and trading city, its being a port supported this, Braila is practically in dramatic economic decline.Families re truly and sadly poverty striken in our area. Therefore unemployment in families , migrant parents, monoparental families are common cases  met by our school.
Presently we feel the need to overtake the academism of our taeching, to explore a range of informal teaching, organising trips and getting out of the traditional class.So ,we firmly believe that school should be this bridge to help career, leadership  skills in every field of knowledge.
We have a national system of quality assurance , named ARACIP.Every school is assessed based on common standards every five years.